I was cruising in Northern Illinois scanning my radio dial and got a chance to catch some heavy metal on my dashboard thanks to local fav Rebel Radio. It’s one of my hobbies, since I always get to hear new voices in the world of metal on their airwaves. I caught some rippin’ vocals that reminded me of Phil Anselmo in his heyday, so I waited to hear the name of the band, and they said Beyond Perception.
I never heard of these guys, so I did a massive Google search and learned Beyond Perception was a new metal band out of Athens Greece, who’ve become quite popular in Europe. The tune I heard on the radio was called “Hydra”- so I checked out the music video on YouTube, it was awesome, totally awesome! These guys are like one of the best kept secrets of metal, makes me wish I was more in tune with the European metal scene.
Beyond Perception just put out their first international release “Blood & Whiskey” exported by DSN Music, with 12 smokin’ tracks! This is true in your face metal, a fresh sound that is closely related to Godsmack or Pantera, 2 of my favs! Besides “Hydra” my ears were blown by “Million Earning Whore”, “Thorn”, “Play With Bullets” and “Black of the Night”.
I would never have known these guys were from Greece, the vocals were solid English, the guitars just shred, and the drums are in your face! What we usually refer to as face removal rock n’ roll! Beyond Perception is touring the UK in Rocktober, I may have to book a flight and check out one of their shows in Ireland!
Lots of heritage metal gods are releasing tons on CDs this year, but for a serious new comer, Beyond Percepton is a must for your iPod collection! “Blood & Whiskey” is available on iTunes, so do it to it and get hooked up, these guys RAWWWWWK!